Newsletter - Page 1
![]() Devotion 7 Precious in His Sight Not again. Not more shooting. Not more death. Not more young people wiped out in the insanity of killing. This was on top of the death of five youths, ages 14-20, in my extended circle since May: four in accidents, one from natural causes. Last week in a Fort Worth, Texas, Baptist church four of the seven killed at the scene were 14 years old. After terrorizing, maiming, and killing, the assassin rolled a pipe bomb down the aisle of the church and then shot himself in the head in front of his terrorized victims. When I finally had the courage to watch the news, Peggy Wemeyer, a Christian religion reporter for ABC News followed the trail of blood involving Christian teens:
I go to the verse: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." (Psalms 16:15) Young or old, they were his saints. And I have to remember that they were His, after all. I remember Job's brave words: "The Lord gives and the takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." (Job 1:21). But we're never ready to let go, especially of a young person. What is at the heart of this for me? What does God want me to understand, to accept? I think it is the reality that I have only one day at time. Young or old, that is the reality. My goals, my dreams, my opportunities can be gone in an instant. It reminds me that I have to keep my fences mended with those I love. I have to keep my life in order. (Ephesians 6:18) I certainly would need those prayers if I were faced with a crushing separation from someone I love. It's wonderful the way the Lord ministers to our souls. As I listened to a music video this week, words from "My Saviour First of All" reached deep into my spirit with
"I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side, And His smile will be the first to welcome me. "I shall know Him, I shall know Him, And redeemed by His side I shall stand, I shall know Him, I shall know Him By the prints of the nails in His hands." * For Further Consideration: I Corinthians 15 Job 1:18-22 John14:1-4, 15-18 Psalms 90:12, 17 * "My Saviour First of All," by Fanny J Cosby (words) and Jno. R. Sweeney. ©Jno. R. Sweeney 1891.