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Lesson #4 Sin Study # 4-Man's Sin Separates Man From God God has declared that all human flesh, without expression, has sinned. There is not a righteous or just person on all the earth. Man is a born sinner. Sin is the natural behavior of man born into this world. Man's sin separates him from God. Jesus Christ is the only exception to this truth. Jesus Christ is the God-man who dwelt among men but did not sin. Jesus Christ is the only avenue man has to restore himself to righteousness. This truth is an irrefutable teaching of the Bible.
Focus: Read: Romans 3:9-12 All are under sin. There is none that doeth good. Romans 3:23 All have sinned. Romans 5:12 Sin entered into the world and sin brings death Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death. Isaiah 59:2 Sin separates man from God Romans 1:1-32 Man turns from God to sin Galatians 3:22 Question: What do you believe to be the most important verse or set of verses in these readings? Why? Explain: What does sin do? Its consequences?