Newsletter - Page 1
![]() Lesson #37 Christian Courageous Standing up for the Faith Courage. It takes just that to live in the world today, as a Christian that is. Christians constantly face temptations, ridicule, harassment, persecution, prejudice, humiliation, abuse and possible death by today?s skeptics, Christ rejecters and Christ haters. It was no different in the days of Jesus Christ while he walked this earth and so it was with His followers. So it has been for Christians throughout the years. Nevertheless, the Christian is to remain faithful, loyal, bold, and courageous in his life, testimony and witness for the Lord. His body, spirit, and soul should stand and fight the good fight of faith and endure hardness for the Lord's sake. While the Christian is not confrontational he should be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within him to those who confront him regarding his faith and life in the Lord Jesus Christ. Focus: Read: II Thessalonians 2:13-14 God calls us to His glory.