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Lesson #24
Bible Memorization
Memorize God?s Word in Your Mind and in Your Heart
God?s Word is worth remembering. It is profitable to all areas and aspects of this life, and for te one to come. In fact, God declares that His Word shall ?never pass away?. If we are to remember anything of eternal worth it must me the eternal Word of God.
Read: Psalms 119:9-16Thy word have I hid in mine heart?God?s Holy
Word cleanses, directs, encourages, and admonishes the man of God to be God?s man. Both young and old are exhorted to commit to the minds memory and the hearts chambers te immutable and holy Word of God.
John 14:21-26He shall teach you all things and bring all things to
your remembrance?God tells us to know His Word and to keep His Word so that we might live and walk in His Word. Because the human abilities to know and keep and recall God?s word are so limited, God has given to us His Holy Spirit to teach us and to help us remember those things which we have learned and committed to our hearts and minds. But if we do not study we cannot learn, if we do not commit His words into our being they cannot be brought to remembrance. Study and memorize the Word of God so that the Word, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, can be manifested in the daily life of the growing, maturing Christian.
Romans 10:8The Word is nigh, even in thy mouth, and in thy
heart?the word if faith.
Question: What does Scripture have to say about knowing and committing to memory God?s Word?
Personal Response:
Explain: Why is it personally important to know and memorize God?s Word?
Scripture Assurance: Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

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